What is it? The Short Version
Software development process fusion involves taking different kinds of processes and tools and utilizing a combination on your project to help you reach your goals. You aren’t just using one particular methodology or school of thought or toolset, you are using a combination of tools that fits your unique needs on your project to help create value.
What is it? The Very Long Version
In Part 1 of this series, I talked about fusion in music from early days of the genre, when it was somewhat controversial and aimed more at enthusiasts, to the present, when most music we hear on popular radio stations is a fusion of styles. On country stations, we hear rockabilly, pop, rock and roll, blues and traditional country fused together in many songs. Popular music now has influences from all kinds of cultures, and we are seeing hip hop music fused with traditional Indian music and pop. In my collection, Canadian artist Cat Jahnke includes folk, pop, rock, gospel and film music in her songwriting and performing. A more obvious fusion might be found in fellow Canadian artist Rebekah Higgs music, categorized in the “folktronica” genre, a combination of electronica music and folk. Another Canadian group with a wide variety of styles fused together is the Duhks, who “…play a blend of Canadian soul, gospel, North American folk, Brazilian samba, old time country string band, zydeco, and Irish dance music…” according to wikipedia.
These kinds of fusions of ideas are all around us. The fusions of styles from different traditions, cultures and ideas are due in part to our increasing interconnectedness and mass media and communication. In the effort to create something new in the market, we often borrow something old or unfamiliar in our culture and mix it with the current and familiar. We have fusion cuisine, for example (a Chinese restaurant near our home became an Italian restaurant and serves delicious Asian-Italian fusion cuisine). We see it in exercise with holistic training, and exercise regimes that combine eastern, western, kinesiology and spiritual elements. Often a combination of ideas helps us reach our ultimate goal, which isn’t to create a fusion of styles, or to adhere to just one style, but to achieve a desired effect or outcome.
The goal of each of these examples is quite clear. With music, the musician’s goal is to create something that resonates with them, an expression of their art and their personality. Their other goal is to produce something that is satisfactory and enjoyable for their audience. With restaurants, they want to provide fresh, delicious food. With exercise programs, the goal is better health and fitness. Another important underlying theme is financial success. We all need to make money somehow to live, and even though we may produce something that is wonderful, it may not be recognized by the market. Sometimes our goals in software development aren’t quite as clear, particularly for those of us down in the details of coding, testing, writing, etc. It can be hard to see the big picture and measure ourselves against it. It can also be hard to deal with the imprecise environment that our software is released into and instead cling to something that feels predictable and stable, like a well-defined process.
Software development process fusion involves taking different kinds of processes and tools and utilizing a combination on your project to help you reach your goals. You aren’t just using one particular methodology or school of thought or toolset, you are using a combination of tools that fits your unique needs on your project to help create value.
This paper is a recent example: Process fusion: An industrial case study on agile software product line engineering that talks about the fusion of two bodies of practice. I’d like to find more that have identified several different schools of thought: iterative and incremental, Agile, phased or “waterfall”, spiral, user experience, etc. etc.
Process Mashups
A couple of years ago, I was interviewed about post-Agilism by a company that does industry analysis of the software field. One of the interviewers used an interesting term when she described the message she got from my work. She said something like this: “We really see that teams in the future will be less dogmatic about what particular process ideology they need to follow, and will be more focused on using different ideas to get the results they need. We’ll see all sorts of interesting process mashups as people combine different process ideas on their own projects to reach their particular goals for that particular project.” Wow. She got that from my writing? “Process mashup” wasn’t a term I had used, but it’s another way of explaining what I am trying to get across.
Mashup seems to be a relatively new term that describes combining different sources into one form. Wikipedia has some different examples of mashups.
Here in Canada, a fusion of ideas is built into our culture, since our society is modeled as a “cultural mosaic” which means people retain and continue to practice their original culture when they move here to live. On CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) radio, there is an interesting show called Mashup, hosted by Geeta Nadkarni, that I enjoy listening to. The website describes the show:
Over the summer Mashup will explore what really happens when cultures intersect in love, at work and at play. You’ll hear from immigrants, second-generation Canadians, mixed-race Canadians, people who’ve been in Canada for decades – each with a personal story about how cultures collide in their daily lives. Canada is a country of mashups. People from different cultures find themselves living and working together here – bumping into different values, assumptions and different ways of doing things.
When I listen to the stories and challenges of how people overcome the collisions of culture, I see many parallels on software development teams. In fact, we tend to have our own little mishmash of cultures on our teams due to our ability to collaborate with technology, and there is often a shortage of skilled people in one particular area, so people from different countries are often on the same teams. I see this culture mashup as a more accurate description of what most teams experience and how they implement processes, so why not embrace it?
We’re Doing That Anyway
Most teams I work with tend to use a blend of process ideas in practice. Often, we like to talk about our Scrum or XP process in the pure sense on mailing lists or at conferences or user group meetings, but what we are really doing is a blend of Scrum or XP, corporate culture and practices (what we’ve learned through experience that seems to work for our project, but doesn’t necessarily fit the process literature.) Often teams apologize to me if they are doing something that isn’t by the book process-wise. I ask: “Is it working for you?” and if they say “yes”, I tell them not to worry about it.
It’s important to realize that pure “Agile” and pure “waterfall” don’t really exist on projects. They are ideals, or strawmen, depending on what your particular software religion is. (That includes my writing here, it is a model of software development that I and others find ideal. We strive towards reaching a goal of using our process to serve us, rather than working to serve the process.) There is nothing wrong with ideals, but they can be carried too far. Many feel that Royce’s original “waterfall” paper described an ideal, and that process wonks got to that diagram in Figure 2 on about the second page or so and stopped reading, adopted it on that alone and the waterfall practice was born Somewhere along the way, most teams that were focused on results figured out how to adapt their phased or “waterfall” approach to get the job done. Others got too caught up in the ideal of the process and created bureaucratic nightmares that produced more paper and procedures than working software. We see the same thing with Agile extremism – the process is held up at the expense of the people on the project who are blamed if anything goes wrong. Roles like testing and technical writing are marginalized (“there is no tester role on Agile projects”): tests are automated, and after the fact manual testing skills are marginalized as “being negative.” Testers are twisted into any role but testing, such as development or business analysis. Tests become “documentation” or “requirements” that drive development. While there’s nothing wrong with experimenting with ideas, it should not be at the cost of dehumanizing skilled people who are trying to deliver the best working software they can. What exists on most successful teams I’ve worked with, who realize that they need to reach goals for the organization, for their users, for their teams, and for each individual, is usually a combination of changing process ideas and practices at work at any given time. Some are recognizable and named, and others are just what the team does in that environment.
In the Agile world, most process adoptions tend to be a blend of Scrum and XP. Some teams I’ve worked with couldn’t do a pure implementation of either because of their unique circumstances. One team couldn’t completely adopt XP because of the physical layout of the building prevented them from arranging themselves all together. Shrinkwrap software companies often have trouble getting a real customer representative on their team, and often have a product manager, business analyst or someone with a customer-facing role stand in. Sometimes teams are successful at delivering working software in spite of process adoption limitations, and sometimes they probably aren’t. (Usually, failures I’ve witnessed are due to a lack of skills rather than a process failure.) There are a lot of perfectly good reasons why Agile process adoptions aren’t implemented in the purest sense and yet still succeed. (Hint, skill is usually a big factor.)
People have also adapted so-called “waterfall” or phased lifecycle approaches as well. Furthermore, there are different ways of viewing software development processes. Steve McConnell explains this in a comment on his blog post:
I think it’s important to remember that Waterfall and Agile aren’t the only two options. “Agile” is a very large umbrella that includes many, many practices. “Waterfall” is one specific way of approaching projects that’s in the broader family of “sequential” development practices. Staged delivery, spiral, and design to cost are three other members of the sequential family. I agree that waterfall will only rarely do better at providing predictability than agile practices will. But there are other non-Waterfall practices within the sequential family that eliminate 90%+ of the weaknesses of waterfall and that are more applicable than full-blown agile practices in many contexts. (By full blown, I mean like the project in the cautionary tale–fully iterative requirements, etc.)
…There is no One True Way. When people think about the fact that there’s software in toasters, airplanes, video games, movies, medical devices, and thousands of other places, it seems kind of obvious that the best approaches are going to arise when people pay close attention to the needs of their specific circumstances and then choose appropriate practices.
That’s contextualist thinking expressed eloquently, and is easier to hang your hat on than the: “doing what works for you” post-Agilism maxim.
Software Development Process Fusion – Know Your Goals
To get this fusion concept to work properly, it is incredibly, incredibly important to know what your goals are for providing value to your customers while building value on your teams. Otherwise, you may end up with a mishmash of watered down practices and have no way to measure whether they are helping you or not. Without an understanding of what success looks like, your team may end up with a “we’re doing what works for us” combination of process ideas that get you no further than with what you were doing before. I have seen this on countless teams adapting Agile processes. They thought adding daily standups, using iterative development, TDD, and getting rid of up-front planning and documentation was enough for success, and they ended up worse off value-wise than with a heavyweight process implementation. My response to the “We’re only adopting what works for us” concept is: a) Have you tried it? and b) If you have, can you evaluate whether it is helping your project or not? If you can answer both of those, then that phrase is completely appropriate. If not, we need to be sure we really do know what works for us and have a standard of measure to evaluate whether what we are adopting is helping us now, and if it helped us in the past, is it still helping us now? Believe it or not, sometimes the best processes can become stale and ineffective over time. Can you tell what is working on your project?
One team that I was on in the pre-Agile era was ruthless with tools and processes. Our development team lead would always say: “Does the tool suck, or do we need more practice or training with it?” whenever a tool or process wasn’t working for us as advertised. Notice the people focus – he empowered us, and made sure that we had a way to measure our tool and process adoption against our project goals. If things weren’t working, the finger was first pointed at the tool or process, not the people doing the work. We ended up with a combination of practices that evolved over time. We had clear goals on what we needed to do and what success looked like, and the following characteristics. We used :
- an iterative and incremental delivery lifecycle
- experimental programming/development
- prototyping
- strong customer involvement in planning and development
- a strong emphasis on individuals developing their skilsl
- frequent communication (standups, quality circles, pairing, collaborating, regular meetings with stakeholders and executives on goals and vision)
- varied methods of developing requirements
- varied methods of frequent testing from project beginning during the planning and idea phase, to product critiquing with serious exploratory testing on anything delivered, and at project end
- varied automation in testing, build processes, and anything else that helped us be more productive
Anything went within reason, as long as it wasn’t unethical and didn’t hurt someone and didn’t threaten our deadlines, we were encouraged to experiment with different processes and tools in the ongoing effort to build the best software that we possibly could that not only satisfied, but impressed our user community. This was true “continuous improvement” in action. Sadly, most process ideals that I see completely miss out on most of this. They may have an iterative lifecycle, but don’t realize that the point is to help you deliver something your customer needs in stages to get their feedback, and to be able to adjust your plan as it hits the reality of the project. They do testing, but they artificially constrain it by trying to automate everything, or severely constrain requirements by forcing them into “tests”. They talk to each other, but have daily standups and iteration meetings whether they are really communicating anything useful or not.
The teams that seem to miss out on creating value over a sustained period of time are not open to ideas outside their favorite process, and belittle and marginalize people who have ideas on how to solve real problems. They look to the process to solve those tough problems, and cling to it instead of looking at the bigger picture. Successful teams I’ve worked with, on the other hand adapt, and change their process and understand that the process is yet another tool in the software toolbox to help them reach their goals. Process isn’t king – skilled people are. (Lacking in skill? Invest in skill development before worrying about your process too much.)
On that team I described above, we didn’t care what the role on the team was as long as they provided a service that helped us create value in our product. We needed people to translate requirements and product vision from something vague to something concrete that programmers could work on. We used a variety of lightweight ways to express this, and didn’t have rules about it. If it worked, it worked and we used it until it stopped working for us. The same went for testers. Those that were skilled at finding problems in designs and in the product and provided an information service were valued and encouraged, no matter what tools or processes they used. The quality of their information was what was important. No one walked around saying: “That’s not Agile!” or “That’s not [process we were using]” and discouraged you if you were doing something different. If it worked, the creativity was celebrated, not feared and driven out because it wasn’t recorded in some book somewhere. When the Agile Manifesto came out, and processes like Scrum and XP were gaining traction, we tried the ideas and adapted them to our process fusion. Processes and tools that worked were retained, and surprisingly, some practices like TDD were jettisoned over time, with a focus moving towards developing programming skills with some sort of lightweight code inspection process taking its place. We heard success stories of other teams who were doing wonders with things that had stopped working for us, and we wondered a bit why we were different, but at the end of the day, we were reaching our goals. We had stable, working software, a process that worked, satisfied customers, and a highly skilled team that valued each other and the diversity that individuals brought to it.
The Rule is There Are No Rules
I’ve seen too many process zealots or snake oil salesmen display bigotry towards others with different ideas that don’t fit their particular model. It’s easy to pick on the Agile movement because it’s a big fad right now, so there are a lot of readily available examples of people going around saying “That’s not Agile!” and creating an elitist club. Over my career, I’ve experienced people in the Object Oriented movement do this, and some RAD folks looked down their noses at one team I was on because we didn’t use the “approved” prototyping tools they used. Teams with a high level of CMM were also elitist snobs, as were some RUP practitioners, consultants and tool floggers. There are a lot of people out there who are more than happy to set an ideal standard of measure for us to live up to, make us feel guilty for our software “sins” and then profit from telling us we’re doing it wrong. A wise theologian once said something like this: “without sins the priest would be out of work.” Next time you feel you are doing something wrong, or someone else makes you feel that way, evaluate how they are profiting from making you feel that way. If you are creating value even though you’re “doing it wrong,” ignore them.
I’ve seen novel ideas to real life project problems turned aside because they didn’t follow somebody’s idea of process rules. If a pure process adoption is your goal, then you may have to do that sort of thing, but if a successful product that delivers value is your goal, following arbitrary process rules can be a real hindrance. If the software is well developed, who cares that you did some up-front planning. Who cares if you didn’t use story cards? If the team has great communication, who cares if you don’t do daily standups? If testing is done well, who cares if it isn’t completely automated? If you are good at eliciting and expressing requirements, who cares if you didn’t use ATDD or some other Agile automated test ideal? If your code is stable and maintainable, who cares that you didn’t use TDD? If you deliver value, who cares that you needed some up-front design? If your software is usable, who cares that you didn’t use BDD, but used traditional user experience techniques instead? (I’m not discouraging you from trying any of those Agile practices, indeed, try what you like as you strive to improve your process, but do it on your own terms – don’t feel pressured to try them just because it seems everyone else is doing it.)
As I mentioned earlier, we can put artificial bounds around what we do in software development, and invent rules that can impede our goals. Furthermore, rules that worked really well on some high profile project may not be appropriate for our project. Also, rigid rules can be a barrier to creativity and creating novel solutions, which are both the lifeblood of technological innovation.
My stance on all of this: if the particular process or process fusion you are using is working for you, do that. I really don’t care what it is, whether it is an Agile process, Cleanroom, RUP, Evo, some phased “waterfall” variant. If you have a bang up XP implementation that is working for you, your team and your customers, that’s great. Keep doing it. If you have a process fusion, don’t feel badly because someone says: “That isn’t Agile.” All I am encouraging is that you understand your goals, have a way to measure whether your tools and processes are helping you or not, and be open to other ideas when you need to adapt and change. Look at the history of software development and other ideas that have come before and try to learn from as many different sources as possible. Enlarge your software development process toolbox, and try combinations of ideas. Others have done this before, so it isn’t really that radical. Google the term for more ideas.
Agilism all too often ends up people being much more concerned with following “the rules” instead of being concerned with providing value and reaching goals. Merely following a good process in the hopes that all those tough problems will be solved by strict adherence to that process may not work for you. There is a difference between understanding what you need to do, and adapting as you go, and merely following a ritual without understanding the meaning behind it.
What Process Combinations Have Your Teams Created?
I see this sort of thing as having a future in software development processes partly because successful teams I’ve worked on have always changed and adapted not only their plans, designs and their code, but their tools and processes as well. We’ve also seen a fusion of ideas become popular in other areas, and it seems like a natural evolution. First we work through various extremes, and then we find some sort of balance. I’d like to hear about the combinations and adaptation of processes on your team. One day I hope to hear of a team that says: “We created a process mashup like this: we learned how to measure performance requirements of our development efforts and software inspection from Evo, iteration planning and management from Scrum, continuous integration from XP, persona creation from the user experience world, user testing from Cleanroom, and a large variety of testing ideas from various schools of thought in testing, combined with this other stuff we do on our teams that isn’t written down in a book or talked about by experts.” Most importantly, what are you doing to create value for your customers and your team? Are you using a purist implementation of a process, or are you combining different process aspects to reach your goals?